Could CRISPR One Day Cure Bipolar Disorder?

A healthy mind is an ultimate ingredient for a happy life. Many people across the globe prefer mental peace over physical tranquility, thereby, indicating the importance of a good mood. The greatest obstacles to mental health are anxiety and depression. Getting anxious about daily errands is completely normal and necessary (especially for procrastinators like us!) to get things done…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus


Can CRISPR/CAS-9 Technique Be Used On Fully-Grown Adults

Ever since the CRISPR/CAS-9 technique was discovered and later on, when its miraculous uses were brought to light, it has kept on surprising the scientists due to its potential. This wonderful technique is indeed going to help solve several mysteries related to life and would unravel the causes behind several impossible diseases and problems that are prevalent in the world today. The…
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What is CRISPR Being Used For?

Which Vaccines Use CRISPR Technology?


Why is CRISPR-Cas9 such a big deal?

CRISPR-Cas9 is the genome-editing tool making headlines, driving investments, and revolutionizing the world of molecular biology. CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing involves making physical changes to the DNA sequence to alter the function it serves (Vidyasagar, 2018). For example, you could alter the DNA within a tomato seed to make the fruit bigger, more pest-resistant, or even bright…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus