CRISPR Technique And Its Influence On The Human Lifespan

Aging is a complex process that every human has to go through once they reach their time. Aging is a progressive set of changes that accompany the growing or increasing age of an individual and make a person susceptible to the harsh realities of life, diseases, and ultimately death. Aging manifests in different forms in human beings. For some, it starts earlier than the expected time…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus


Could CRISPR One Day Cure Bipolar Disorder?

A healthy mind is an ultimate ingredient for a happy life. Many people across the globe prefer mental peace over physical tranquility, thereby, indicating the importance of a good mood. The greatest obstacles to mental health are anxiety and depression. Getting anxious about daily errands is completely normal and necessary (especially for procrastinators like us!) to get things done…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus


Can CRISPR/CAS-9 Technique Be Used On Fully-Grown Adults

Ever since the CRISPR/CAS-9 technique was discovered and later on, when its miraculous uses were brought to light, it has kept on surprising the scientists due to its potential. This wonderful technique is indeed going to help solve several mysteries related to life and would unravel the causes behind several impossible diseases and problems that are prevalent in the world today. The…
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What is CRISPR Being Used For?

Which Vaccines Use CRISPR Technology?


The ethical debate of CRISPR cas-9

The CRISPR-cas9 technology has endless biomedical and biological applications that could forever alter our world. For the past decade it has caused quite a stir in the scientific community. But not everyone is as excited. Specifically, philosophers, skeptics, and average citizens who are concerned with the moral and ethical implications of the ever-advancing technology. Some of…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus

Gene Editing

What Are The Pros of Genome Editing?

Ten years ago, the world had yet to be formally introduced to the term “gene editing.” Now, scientists all over the world are researching the harmful and beneficial effects of gene editing. Plant geneticists want to breed the high yield plant while critics warn against modified food’s undesirable effects on health and the ecosystem. Medical specialists wish to cure hereditary…
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Does Gene Editing Work?

How Can Gene Editing Solve Food Allergies

Gene Editing

What is Gene Editing?

What Are the Uses of Gene Editing? The development of genome editing technologies has opened the possibility of targeting and altering the gene sequence of almost all eukaryotic cells. The application of gene editing can be used in various disciplines. Current legislation deems it illegal to edit a genome beyond the 14 days of a developmental embryo. Gene Editing for Disease Treatment…
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Does Gene Editing Work?

How Can Gene Editing Solve Food Allergies

Gene Editing

What is genome editing? How does it work?

Definition:Genome editing (also known as genome engineering or gene editing) was first pioneered in 1990 and defined as: ‘a technique used for modification of DNA within a cell by cutting at particular sequence by an enzyme (engineered nuclease), which leads to a change in physical traits.’ This technological advancement allows genetic material to be added, modified, or…
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Does Gene Editing Work?

How Can Gene Editing Solve Food Allergies


What is CRISPR-Cas9 and How Does it Work?

CRISPR or Cas9 is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats. This is a unique technology that allows geneticists and medical scientists to edit genome components by removing, adding, or modifying DNA sections. In the scientific community, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has generated optimism due to its simplicity of use, and is generally more precise and effective than other…
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What is CRISPR Being Used For?

Which Vaccines Use CRISPR Technology?


What is the Process of CRISPR?

Short variable sequences called spacers are interspersed between the short DNA repeats of bacterial CRISPRs. These spacers are collected from the DNA of viruses that have invaded the host bacterium before. Spacers, therefore, function as a ‘genetic memory’ of past infections. If there is another infection caused by the same virus, any viral DNA sequence matching the spacer sequence…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus


When Did Humans First Use CRISPR?

An unusual pattern of DNA sequences in a gene belonging to Escherichia coli, a microbe that lives in the intestine, was discovered by a Japanese team of scientists at Osaka University in 1987. The gene tended to have five short repeated fragments of DNA divided by short ‘spacer’ DNA sequences that did not repeat. The five repeated fragments had similar sequences, the building blocks of…
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Cure For Cancer: Can CRISPR Be A Cure Cancer?

CRISPR vs COVID-19: How can Gene Editing Help Beat the Virus